Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Two minutes

I am feeling the urge to blog again.

The itch to bitch, possibly. This urge might fade as quickly as it came upon me. This may be the only post. It could be I have nothing to say on matters global and local, personal and public.

I just answered the phone to a witheld number. It was Tomas (I'll use that spelling as he was obviously not English), wanting me to take part in a 2 minute survey for money matters. Being British, I apologised and said no, tonight is not good for me.

'But it will only take 2 minutes,' he said.
'But it won't,' I replied. 'These things never do. So no, not tonight.'
'But why?' I heard the pleading in his voice.

Why? Because explaining why would take up far more than the 2 minutes you are asking of me, and if I were to list my reasons here would take even longer.

Will take even longer. This blog is me, all me. No apologising, no 'can I suggest' or 'don't you think'. I have some things I want to say, and if you don't want to hear them well, go away.

Be warned, I won't be so polite in future.

I also have things I want to work out, and writing about them is the best way for me to organise my thoughts. 

I'm feeling good about this.

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