Wednesday, November 02, 2016


How do novelists stand it?

Their latest book is release to a cold, uncaring world. It can take months to write a novel, and the writer must feel as though she has to wait almost as long before reviews finally begin to trickle back. Is it well received? Are the characters and plot-lines believable? Does the book work as a story?

I would go crazy, I'm sure.

An anthology of 32 666-word 'fantabbles' was published this week by Fantastic Books. I managed get three stories into this:

and I'm dying to know what you think of it and them.

I need feedback. Did you enjoy the collection? What did you think of my stories? Were you scared (that is the point, after all. You don't release a book with a picture of a skinny bloke holding a scythe in a  foggy graveyard on the cover, without hoping you can raise at least one reader's heart rate)?

Can you even scare someone in 666 words?

I'm beginning to feel like Daddy Jones in The Exploits of Moominpappa who throws a garden party to celebrate the 100th anniversary of his birth. There are wild rides, tricks, puzzles, games and surprises each followed by a placard on a bush:



So I am Mama Jones. I've put together three tricksy little stories with hardly any blood, and I want to know if they did what I intended them to do - or should I just give up and go home?

I need texts. Tweets! Reviews on Amazon/Goodreads/Blogs/the FBP web-site! Comment here, if you want!

Think of the author - won't somebody please, think of the author! Because I don't WANT to go home!

And that uses up my exclamation mark allowance for 2016. Thank you.

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